My Life Story :3

Oh Allah, please help me ='D
Friday 24 May 2013 | 22:14 | 0 Words

What's up? You guys okay? :P I'm here..  *Dah, cukuplah dengan kepoyoan nya tu. Huhuuu*


Okay, there's this someone. I once liked him. But, I know the risk of puppy love, so I just kept my feelings alone. I tried my best to hide my feelings. I tried my best to erase my feelings. I really tried.

It's not that my feelings grew for him. No! But I think that the satan is obviously whispering bad things into my mind. I'm afraid, Allah. I'm afraid. I don't want to involve myself into something inappropriate or bad. Please, Allah. Please take care of my heart so that I can control my feelings. Please help me to change myself. Please help me to be a better muslimah. Please help me to change!

I don't want to be like this at such a young age. My journey is miles away. I just started to make baby steps towards there.

O Allah, if I'm not his left rib,
Please, let these feelings be temporary,
Don't let me keep it inside for a long period,
Please take care of my heart,
Until I grow up,
Until I'm ready for these things.

Haha, I know my English sucks. But, I hope that you'll understand. *But, it's better if you dont :P *

I'm not writing this post so that he could read it. NO. I'm writing this... urm.. Because I wanted to. Nothing more, nothing less. Just that. Hope you can think positively :)

Assalamualaikum!! :)

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